Xbox One: when Microsoft pays the players' heads

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The Xbox One was presented before yesterday and now we know almost everything about her, except of course the price. If the new console from Microsoft is not unattractive, it nevertheless suffers from some rather annoying limitations, limitations that affect the lending of games , of course, but also for backward compatibility . Yes, because this naughty little slut will unfortunately not be able to make the titles of Xbox 360 turn, which is sure to infuriate those who had a well-stocked library. The funny thing of course is yet to come because not content with limiting players, Microsoft has apparently decided to pay their cum ... Everything is explained in the following.

In reality, everything is pointed out in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Don Mattrick, head of "interactive entertainment" at Microsoft, and was allowed to speak on the backward compatibility of the new console. According to him, the lack of backward compatibility is not really a problem since it is relevant only 5% of players. In this context, it was not really necessary to spend time and spend money to develop technology capable of running games designed for the Xbox 360 on the Xbox One.

Well, then again, everything is fine, but then things go wrong. For indeed, Don would have concluded the interview by releasing a terse "If you're backwards compatible're really backwards" . What does that mean? Well, in good French, it looks something like: "If you are backward compatible, so it is that you are really retro" . This is not necessarily a literal translation, of course, but the idea is there. In essence, this means that all players wishing to play their old songs, even those who reported the money to Microsoft.

Microsoft: as communication problems?

However, it is important to note that these statements were extracted from the interview mentioned a little earlier. His comments are out of context, and it will take with the utmost of prudence.Technologie Nouvelles

Finally, and speaking of the Xbox One, you should know that Gamespot UK has posted an interactive poll so people can vote for their favorite console. A survey that takes place on Twitter, which is based on two simple hashtags: # GameSpotPS4 and GamesSpotXbox . Yes, last night was the PlayStation 4 which carried with no less than 89% of the vote. And even if it is not necessarily a reflection of what people think all the players around the world, we can not help thinking there as discomfort.
Xbox One: when Microsoft pays the players' heads Xbox One: when Microsoft pays the players' heads Reviewed by Pakar Pupuk Tanaman on June 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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