iPhone 6: still a new concept

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The iPhone 6 seems to fascinate our creative and so we have seen passing over the past few weeks a number of interesting concepts all over each other friends. This time it is Uygar Kaya and Ran Avni who tried to imagine what might look like an upcoming Apple smartphones, and the pair have made a nice video to illustrate their vision and all that it should appeal to some of you.

What is interesting with this concept is that it does not look like the previous iPhone products by our friend the bitten apple. We are thus faced with a smartphone built entirely around a metal frame that goes on the top and bottom of the screen, a metal frame that includes the various buttons on the terminal, but his microphone. All in an extremely thin case.

Well, but that's not all because our designers have also integrated on each side of the iPhone 6 LED notification can alert the user when receiving a call or even a message, and also visually represent the state of charge of the battery. The result was not lack of interest and say that this is typically the kind of feature that could improve our lives. With this kind of LED, it would be possible to know the state of our smartphone without having to unlock it, or even take it in hand.

Our two guys are obviously not stayed there. Like the Sony Xperia Z, the iPhone 6 has been designed to resist water and dust. Better, the terminal also embeds a wireless charging technology similar to that found on the latest Nokia Lumia.

Finally, the only thing that can be blamed for this video, it is undoubtedly the pace a little too slow.
iPhone 6: still a new concept iPhone 6: still a new concept Reviewed by Pakar Pupuk Tanaman on June 07, 2013 Rating: 5

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