WordPress is a fantastic platform to create your own blog and let the world know about your ideas. Have you got one of these spaces, you will know that there are multiple complements which can add new functions for its readers. Now you can surprise them with vozMe, a complement with which provide your WordPress with its own voice.
This plug-in for WordPress allows the user to listen to any article from a blog. With it installed the readers will be able to play any of the articles with sound. To do so you will only have to activate the corresponding options from the service by clicking on the link or the corresponding image, depending on how the functionality has been programmed.
Plug-in for WordPress which allows the reader to play any text with sounds.Various languages available: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Catalonian.Select between a male or female voice.Choose the aspect of the icon which will serve for the blog reader to activate the function.Perfect complement for people with visual impediments.Installing the complement in your WordPress blog is very simple. Once you have downloaded the file, you should expand and store it in the folder /wp-content/plugins/. After that, you only have to go to the WordPress administration tool to activate it.
Download vozMe free, one of the most original plug-ins for WordPress. Power the virtues of your blog adding this new feature, with which you will be able to give a better service to all those people with visual impediments, that won't have any problem to enjoy your texts and opinions because they will be able to listen to them.
Requirements and additional information:Requires having WordPress installed.It is necessary to have Flash Player to listen to the texts.Requires a ZIP compatible compressor.
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